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Can You Hear Me Now?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Weekly Pondering

Good News: I get off work uber-early today. Instead of my usual 12:30 p.m. departure, I'm outta' here at 10:00 a.m.

Bad News: I'm leaving early to attend a funeral of a friend's father. This friend, a young woman, with 5 young boys (ages: 12, 10, 8, 7, 5, 6 months...God bless her!) is honoring her father with a memorial service. She is a woman I mentored a few years ago and we know each other well. I have watched, first-hand the effect of this father on this young woman and his grandchildren.

He was not a "good" father by any standard. He was an alcoholic who called this daughter many times at all hours of day and night to bail him out of jail, even from other states. He barely provided for her when she was younger and he didn't speak nicely to her or her family. I never met this man but I saw the impact it had on this young woman's life. She never turned him down.

I think it shows her maturity and 'heart' that she was not only willing, but DESIRED to take care of this memorial. She has older siblings who washed their hands of this "father" years ago. My friend never gave up on her dad. She has taught me the true meaning of Scripture that tells us HOW TO FORGIVE. I also know her Heavenly Father is so proud of her in keeping His commandment to honor her parents.

I will say one MORE thing...parents remember that the choices YOU make DO affect your children; both directly AND indirectly. Choose a lifestyle that is not only pleasing to God, but one that recognizes the fact that you have been hand-picked by God to care for one of his children.

Here is something to think about today: What specific things are you doing in your life to make a difference in the life of your children or any children you encounter?

Trust me, I'm thinking on it too!

Blessings of peace for this Friday.


GiBee said...

I share a lot of hugs and kisses with my son, and any child I encounter. Hopefully, he and they will grow up with the knowledge that affection is good, and it's normal.

Does that count?

Kristen said...

What a strong woman your friend is and I commend her for not giving up on her father regardless.

That is an important reminder to watch what we do around our children and to be careful with our choices.

the voice said...

Prayers for your friend and her family. As for trying to make a difference in our daughters life, we try to take her to as many Christian events and concerts as possible. Many times we will even pay for a friend or two to come along. It's a little tougher now that she is working, but my wife took her and a friend to the She conference that Rebecca St. James does. God bless you! Ken

Anonymous said...

Kim, sorry to comment here, but you won 50 credits as a runner up in my caption contest on Odd Planet. I don't know if you want the credits in Blogexplosion credits or Blogmad. Can you please send me an email and let me know which traffic engine credits you want and what your user name is at that site? Thanks, Tricia

Shalee said...

Praying for your friend. She is blessed to have someone like you in her life.

I try to be "present" with the kids. Not just in the same room, but listening and not getting impatient when there is something else that I "need" to do. I try to remember that I will always have laundry, cleaning, activities... I won't always have my kids.

Also, I tell them that I love them a lot and that God has blessed me more than I can imagine with them.

Joy M. said...

That reminds me of how badly I need to call my dad. We aren't close-he chose another family when I was in my early teens, but I am called to honor him as my father anyway. I'll keep your friend in my prayers.

Sally said...

makes you wonder who was the parent in this situation ... my father was an alchoholic too, but he never put undue demands on me...

I am so glad you were able to support your friend

great2beme said...

I think remember to admit our wrongs and ask for forgivness. No excuses just I messed up and please forgive me. See I am not perfect either, thank goodness we have Jesus to do that. :) Then love them love them love them UNCONDITIONALLY!