New Background

Can You Hear Me Now?

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Future Employment? wasn't all it was 'cracked' up to be. This saddens me. I thought this would be a great fit for me.

That said...I am leaving this job and searching for a job that will use my gifts. In a perfect world here is the top 10:

1. Movie critic
2. Restaurant critic (lol)
3. Personal shopper
4. Professional organizer
5. Craft teacher
6. Book Editor
7. Author
8. Book Reviewer
9. Music Video Director
10. Art/Talent Director

Honorary Mention: Lottery Winner and stay-at-home-dog-mom.

That was fun...the cynic in me knows these are probably not possible...but I am not going to settle in to another admin job that is empty and without fulfillment. I have to believe God gave me talents to use in a career somewhere.

The search is on.

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