New Background

Can You Hear Me Now?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What's Your Sign?

If you're looking for're at the wrong blog!

Actually, Pastorman started a new series on Sunday...and frankly I don't recall the 'name' of the series right at this moment but it's about our homes. Not just our dwelling places, but Jesus' dwelling place.

Sunday, he talked about the various signs that exist at people's homes. He and another pastor went on a short field trip and photographed many of the different types of signs people use on their doors, and how they sometimes carry over into our walk with Christ.

The premise is that the foundation of our home is not the cement that is poured to keep our home level...rather it is the front door. The front door and what's written on it, truly paints a picture.

The front door could say: NO TRESPASSING...PRIVATE PROPERTY...KEEP OUT...they all imply the same thing. STAY AWAY!!!! Many of us have these doors on our lives. We may wear a face that is less than inviting, even angry. We may maintain a body language that says the same thing; arms crossed, eyes narrowed, completely closed off. We may wear sunglasses inside to prevent eye contact with others. We may look away or ignore everyone else around us. We may put on headphones to block out the world, or wear our 'blue-tooth'.

Sometimes the front door says: BEWARE OF THE DOG. We all know what this one looks like on a door and up close and personal. Enough said.

Every once in awhile the door says something unexpected, like: WELCOME or WELCOME HOME. These are the homes that I want to visit. This is the way I want my life to be. I want to be an open door, a welcome sign. I'm 100% certain this is what God wants too.

I hope you have a 'welcoming' kind of day and that the door to your life is always adorned with beauty, love and blessings!


Shalee said...

Oh I really hope that on most days I have a well-used welcome mat just outside my heart. I'd love to say that it's out 100% of the time, but that would be a lie...

GiBee said...

I think that for the most part, I've got a "You're welcome to come on in" sign hung on my heart, and I hope people feel Christ's love eminating from me!!!

tam said...

I like the whole idea of where Pastorman is heading...

I have scripture written above my door at home...

God's doing so much IN me right now I don't know what's on the outside other than it must be joy...

hmmm, need to think some more on that one

Dawn said...

I haven't heard from you for awhile and hoping that your job is going really well. Again, very good thoughts!

Spring is coming!!

Dawn said...
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Nancy said...

Oh my, some thought provoking ideas from pastorman... something we should all think about!

Rachelle said...

Hmm... that made me think. At first I shuddered when I realized we have a small "No Solicitors" sign on our door. Does that make us seem hostile?

But then I relaxed remembering that I have a beautiful welcome mat that says, of course, "Welcome." Sometimes I put up cute door hangings that say "Love" or "Merry Christmas." And I always hang those silly seasonal flags out front, and most of them also say "Welcome." (Except for the one that says Denver Broncos.)

But I just may have to take a cue from Tam (and Deut. 11:20) and write some scripture on my doorframe!

Brigitte said...

I do, but my hubby doesn't really - he he!

Just Me said...

Hi! My front door has a big wreath on it, with wooden apples and raffia etc. and it says" An apple a Day.." So I'm not sure what I'm 'telling' people: but I liked it cause it looked warm and inviting - I hope I am too! Thanks for making me think beyond my front door - to my 'front' door...if you get my drift!

Rachel said...

Such a great post, thoughtful. The signs that make me worry the most are the ones that say "all" are welcome (churches, drinking fountains, politics, workplaces), but that is not REALLY the truth. Thanks as always.