New Background

Can You Hear Me Now?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Silent Night...and Day...For Days!

I started attending the new Beth Moore study on Esther last night at our church. Beth Moore does exhaust a good way...and inspires an even better way. Last night in the intro she talked about her own testimony and the recent experience of NOT FEELING God's presence in her life.

I have so been there very recently. Everything she spoke about I could totally relate to. In perfect Beth Moore fashion, she talked about this experience and how horrible it was to not FEEL anything or HEAR anything and wondering...where is God?

I've been wondering the same thing. The voice that absolutely rings constantly in my ears has been silent for awhile. I keep asking and praying, but I don't always hear anything back, as a matter of fact, for several weeks I heard NOTHING. It's hard not to get discouraged during these periods of silence.

What Beth pointed out and what I'm absolutely hoping for, is at the end of this time of quiet comes revival and new renewal when those Spiritual ears are blown open by the sounds of His voice once again.

Now I'm waiting in silence...

1 comment:

Joy M. said...

I too have been lost in the silence for a few years now. I think I lost myself in there too. Glad to see you're still here. I need the fellowship. Church? I'm with you there, sister. We haven't been in over a year and are just starting to try to get back in. It just feels yucky anymore...fake...just entertainment.

I love what you said, "when those Spiritual ears are blown open by the sounds of His voice once again." I wonder sometimes if it won't be to the sound of trumpets and His return.